
Thursday, 6 September 2012

This week....

Welcome back! We have had a very busy week getting to know each other.  To get started this week, the Grade 5 students have been showing me what they remember from last year.  They spent time writing down some of the French words they remembered and tomorrow they will try to draw a picture based on a description written in French.  I can't wait to see how they do!  We are doing these activities so that I can see exactly what they know and what they need to review before we move on to our new literacy program.
We have also been practicing "May I" questions that are frequently used in the classroom.  The questions we reviewed are:
Est-ce que je peux aller aux toillettes? May I go to the washroom?
Est-ce que je peux tailler mon crayon? May I sharpen my pencil?
Est-ce que je peux boire de l'eau? May I get a drink of water?
Est-ce que je peux aller chercher mon ... (crayon, livre, cahier)?  May I get my ... (pencil, book, notebook)?

Students are encouraged to say these questions in French only while in the classroom.  Please practice these words at home.

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