
Thursday, 20 December 2012

Over the holidays ...

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my students and their families a wonderful Winter break!  Please remember that over the winter break I am asking all of you to practise counting from 30-70.  Here is a video that will help you to pronounce the numbers correctly:

The first week back I will be testing you on your counting skills in French.

Have a wonderful break and I will see you all in the new year!



Quel est la date aujourd'hui?

Friday, 14 December 2012

Blog Questions for Points

Starting today, I will be posting questions on this website a few times a week.  If you read the question you have to come into class the next day and tell me the answer in French.  If you get the right answer you will earn yourself a point.  This is just another way of verifying that you are visiting the website at least 3 times a week to practise the vocabulary and look at the links.

Question:  Comment t'appelles-tu?

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Conjugating -ER verbs

We have been learning how to write using verbs that end in -ER.  For example, manger, sauter, jouer, nager, patiner, habiter are all -ER verbs that we should be able to conjugate.  In order to conjugate a verb, students should remember the song that I taught them. The song is:


These are the endings that they need to conjugate with the pronouns: je,tu,il,elle,on,nous,vous,ils,elles

Remember that before you can conjugate an -ER verb you have to drop the ER ending and then add the new endings to the root word.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Mots de la semaine - le 3 decembre

Here are the words of the week in case you didn't copy them in class.

Étudiez les mots de la semaine. Conjuguez les verbes # 2, 3 et 4.

  1. les sports
  2. jouer
  3. patiner
  4. nager
  5. faire
  6. sauter de la corde