
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Les Animaux - Dialogues

Hi everyone!  The students have been having a lot of fun with this Animal unit.  They prepared a dialogue with a partner about animals (a model was provided in class).  They are presenting today and tomorrow. So far they have done a great job! Keep up the good work!  I will update with some pictures soon!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Les Animaux!

We have started learning about animals in class.  These include animals that you will find at the zoo and farm.  It also includes household pets.  Students are asked to take the vocabulary list they completed in class home a few times a week to practise.  They should also be going home every weekend.  This week, I have challenged students to learn the names of 15 animals!

  1. Un oiseau - A bird
  2. Un perroquet - A Parrot
  3. Une Perruche - A parakeet
  4. Un Poisson - A fish
  5. Un Serpent - A snake
  6. Une Chevre - A goat
  7. Un Raton Laveur - A raccoon
  8. Une Fourmi - An ant
  9. Une Girafe - A giraffe
  10. Une Moufette - A skunk
  11. Une Cerf - A deer
  12. Un Dauphin - A dolphin
  13. Un Hibou - An Owl
  14. L'ecureuil - A Squirrel
  15. Une Tortue - A Turtle

Friday, 5 October 2012

French - English Online dictionary!

This weekend students will be bringing home a vocabulary list to complete.  They have been working on it in class the past 3 days and have been asked to finish it at home.  This is a great online dictionary for them to use for this assignment and any other homework they may have.

Remember to change the dictionary to French - English. 

Students should also be practising their numbers from 1-69 in French.

Have a wonderful Action de Grace and spend time with your loved ones!

A Mardi!!